Jana Piteková 

                           e-book  "YOUR ECONOMICS"                             buy now:  amazon.com


My story


 I am an ordinary mother of four children who loves economics. Just as a mother forgives her child and gives him a hug, I am no longer angry with the economy because of imperfect competition, unemployment, inflation, constant pressure for efficiency. The system of the closed market cycle fascinates me as much as the change of seasons of the year. However, the beauty of economics stands out most in the daily decisions of a person, which are based on the goodness of his heart.

Assoc. Prof. Ing. Jana Piteková, PhD.

I have lived in the High Tatras in Slovakia since I was born, I grew up in the hotels where my parents worked. Studying a field other than tourism was out of the question - I do business in tourism, it is a natural part of my life. At the age of eighteen, another emotional outburst came. I fell in love with two "subjects" at once. To my husband Michal, the father of our four children, and to economics, which fascinates me and which I have been studying and teaching at the university for thirty years. The symbiosis of family and career took place in an interesting way for me. First the first child and then the first degree. Second child, second degree, third child, third degree. The fourth child...... and the race between the number of children and the number of titles is over :).

Family has always been a priority for me, I can't imagine a more beautiful and meaningful title than being a mother of four children.

About me:

Jana Pitekova

My books:

-2 worlds of tourism in Slovakia-


If you do your qualification work honestly, you have every single resource in your hand, you put your heart into it, then even years later you can offer it to the public and be proud of yourself. These are the Two Worlds of tourism in Slovakia. My dissertation (1999) and habilitation (2005) thesis enriched with comments from economics and my daughter's illustration. Why didn't I release it earlier? The illustrator was not born yet :). First, she had to be born, grow up and gradually develop her talent. And I needed to mature in economics...

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-Your Economics-

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Nobody has to study economics, but everyone has to live it (J. Piteková)

      About the book:

 The book matured in my mind for 30 years. Are you longing for a book that will caress your heart like Saint-Exupery's The Little Prince, but at the same time you will understand economics? A good book doesn't have to be thick. And it can be illustrated. Just like the Little Prince. We live the economics by our decisions. Let's keep our fingers crossed in this seemingly simplest but responsible task - to be a good person.

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“Sacred economics - A more beautiful world is possible, our heart knows it”


It was a shock to me. For the first time in my life, I "came across" a book with a positive attribute to my beloved economics. The author Charles Eisenstein (1967) also surprised me by agreeing to have his ideas copied and put on blogs. He writes about the economy of giving, about the culture of giving, and at the same time he puts his inner conviction into practice. I offer you at least some to keep the commitment of 333 words.

Charles Eisenstein (USA) - Sacred Economics (Malvern, 2022):

"I stand on the shoulders of far greater thinkers and absorb, process, and transmit ideas belonging to the general culture."

"Looking at how we plunder the oceans, forests, land, and all living things to satisfy our limitless greed as if it were money destroying the earth."

"We must create a new kind of money. Sacred economics describes this new money and the economy that will develop around it."

"Of all the things that people make and do for each other, the things that cannot be quantified contribute the most to human happiness."

"I will use my brain as a tool and speak my mind."

"Economics cannot be separated from spirituality."

"Sacred economics also examines the TRANSFORMATION OF HUMAN IDENTITY, which is the cause and effect of such a transformation of money."

Conclusion: Petra Vlhová from small, beautiful Slovakia successfully competes with phenomenal Mikaela Shiffrin from big, economically successful America. If only Goodman from Your Economics could compete in this way with Eisenstein's "transformation of human identity".


1% is a lot and two fives are good marks

 For a long time, I thought it was the other way around. Starting a career at the age of 55 and moreover in the field of scientific research in economics, which is 99% the domain of men? That sounds hopeless. Fate sent me a person who "turned it around" in my head. Mr. Ivo Toman, the founder of the international company TAXUS International, adviser of sellers, author of bestsellers. He comes from the Czech Republic. First of all, however, he is an exceptional person whom I had the honour to meet in person. He has Tourette syndrome. Visible uncontrollable tics and audible uncontrollable noises. Despite this, he has built a successful career and leads other, "healthy" people. He teaches them how to be successful by his example. The economics is a complicated system, in which I tried to make order and point out the responsibility of each person. Maybe Ivo Toman has it a little easier, he is "only" involved in one of the many business activities. However, he changes the destinies and careers of many people. Thank you, Mr. Toman. To be part of the 1% share of women - authors of books on economics is exceptional, and mature age supports it. Economics and mathematics are very closely related. It's clear to me now :).


We hear from all sides about the importance of building a brand that will differentiate us from the competition. Sometimes I feel that we invent a "brand" and then adapt our activities to it. In our case it is the opposite. For thirty-five years, together with my husband, we have been building the brand "Happy Family PITEK"😊. No, we don't build, but we live daily. Just as each of us lives the economy every day.

I admit, I didn't like my last name. When the kids were learning about the "Pithecanthropus, Australopithecus" at school, they came home crying because the other kids were making fun of them. However, PITEK and ECONOMICS can be combined into a unique brand - PITEKONOMICS. Why did I put my name in economics?

The happy childhood of our youngest child was helped to form by "Montessori" pedagogy in a private kindergarten. Maria Montessori was not a teacher, but a doctor. Decades after her death, however, the whole world has an alternative to classical pedagogy to choose from. I also do not have a pedagogical education, but like Maria Montessori, I want to offer the world an alternative. It is possible to study economics already in elementary schools with love, joy, and understanding. It is necessary to have "order" in it right from the start - the A-B-C system and to understand relationships and contexts. Just as we learn to read - first individual letters, then syllables, words, sentences... and our possibilities of knowledge suddenly acquire a completely different dimension.

PITEK and ECONOMICS fit together like the gears of a watch. After all, at the age of 18, I fell in love with "both parts of the brand", they belong together. I want this brand to survive me and the study of economics to bring joy to people all over the world. The journey to create my own brand, which differentiates my approach to research and study of economics from the competition, took 35 years...

A- market cycle  B- financial market  C- government


about the book...

"Your Economics"


You will find these topics in the book

The economics is also your life - Market cycle, financial market, government - Man as the alpha and omega of the market cycle - Perfect and imperfect competition - Elasticity of demand - Marginal utility, marginal analysis - Money - Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, Gross Domestic Product - Inflation - Unemployment - Economic cycle - Goodmanism - What I missed in economics books

My philosophy of Your Economics

As early as four centuries before Christ, Aristotle is said to have written two kinds of books. For the laic public and for the professional public. Your economics belongs to the first group and it is also written for you if you are 13-89 years old. Before I submitted the text to reviewers, it was read by my 13-year-old daughter (illustrator of the book) and my husband's 89-year-old uncle, a doctor who has lived in Switzerland since 1968. I was waiting for feedback on whether they understood the written text. I expanded the sample to include neighbors, my hairdresser, non-economists and other "ordinary people". They understood the importance of economics, they understood the meaning of studying it, and for me it was a signal that I could publish the book.

I use elements of fiction, humorous insight, as well as a personal approach. Microeconomics (behavior of an individual, household, company) is naturally more, because we can directly influence it every day with our behavior, decisions and actions. Not macroeconomics, the average person has minimal influence on macroeconomic stability, but it is good to understand macroeconomic contexts. If for nothing else, then not to stress over things I can't influence, can't change, and aren't worth wasting time on.

In the framework of microeconomics, I pay more attention to the behavior of households than businesses - because each one of us is part of a household, but not everyone, or far fewer people are part of private businesses.

Just as households and businesses are made up of people and their mutual relationships, so the economic system depends on the specific decisions of specific people. The alpha and omega of the economy is man. An ordinary good man. Goodman, the mascot of this book.